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Dave Kees

来源: 304.cam永利集团 发布日期:2019-05-26

Dave Kees

Dave Kees

美籍英语教师,拥有 TESOL ( Teaching English as a Second Language )专业资格,在中国工作六年。被剑桥大学出版社聘请为英语教师培训官,在上海、武汉、西安等地多次主持现代英语教学研讨会。目前在广州多所学校和跨国公司任教。本中心《跟雅思考官练口语&写作》班主讲教师。

Dave Kees is an American English teacher and has worked in China for six years. He was certified as a teacher trainer for Cambridge University Press and traveled to cities like Shanghai , Wuhan and Xian to conduct seminars for teachers on modern English teaching. He currently teaches in Guangzhou at various schools and multinational companies.

上一条:Troy Appleton


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